The Guidebook To Securing High Profile Internships
There are thousands of books out there that talk about how to climb the corporate ladder and
hundreds more that talk about ways to make it to the top. However, there are little to none that
talk about the ins and outs of starting a career such as navigating uncertainty, securing
internships, networking, battling with imposter syndrome, pivoting careers entirely and many
other gems that get lost in exaggerated stories on people far removed from you.
This book is not fiction or click-bait. It is a real story about my life and how I got started off in my
career, while literally starting from scratch with no industry connections. By making a plan,
taking a few leaps of faith, trying something new, and being my authentic self, I was able to go
from stocking shelves at a local grocery store to securing 7 internships in my field both in the US
and abroad doing what I love the most. As CEO of Dalvin Digital Design and a full-time Software
Engineer, I, Dalvin Sejour will go through a step-by-step guide to replicate my early career
success through my riveting, real and informational narrative.
After graduating from high school, it seems like the world has an unrealistic expectation that
you need to have everything figured out by the time you throw your cap in the air at graduation.
Whether you are deciding to go to college, went straight into the workforce, graduated, or have
started work and looking to pivot careers this easy-to-follow guide through my lenses has
something to offer you.
“The Guidebook to Securing High Profile Internships” is an instructive playbook that can help address the growing issue of college graduates being underemployed. Dalvin Josias Sejour shares intimate details of his college journey allowing the reader to learn strategy that can lead to post-college success.
- Dr. Daniel Jean, Montclair State University EOF Director
Dalvin tells an incredible, inspiring story that needs to be read, and heard loud and clear. He is a living example of the returns that students will get from an investment of hard work, grit, and perseverance. Too many students take the "spray and pray" approach to secure professional opportunities, whether in the US or abroad (yes global experience is a "must-do"). Dalvin's approach was thoughtful and purposeful and can act as a guide for future students.
- Matt Meltzer Sage Corp CEO, Founder
A Physical Book on Securing Internships